Why use Cloud Heroes instead of global players?Why use Cloud Heroes instead of global players?

Why use Cloud Heroes instead of global players?

The new year has seen a rise in the number of enquiries into cloud communication, hosted desktop, VPS servers and cloud backups.

It gives us great confidence that things are on the right track for recovery and that companies are viewing 2022 with more positivity than the last couple of years.

But why choose Cloud Heroes rather than a global provider?

That’s the question we’re going to tackle today.

Why should you entrust the operation of your business to a local provider rather than a globally recognised brand?

We’ll give you a few reasons.

Global outages

‘The bigger they are, the harder they fall’. Did you hear about the Amazon AWS outage in December 2021? It wasn’t the first outage and it won’t be the last.

Microsoft Teams and Azure suffered multiple outages in 2021 which didn’t help uptake of their service.

Facebook went down, the Fastly CDN took down a portion of the internet and parts of Google went down, sending Google Assistant to sleep.

These aren’t the only outages that happened over the past year. Arguably, an outage here and there is inevitable and still gives you 98-99% uptime. But it doesn’t help you as a user.

It could be a mistake to think it’s safer to go with a global player because they will have the resources to prevent outages, as they clearly don’t.

Personal service

Cloud Heroes invests as heavily in its people as it does in its infrastructure. Without our staff, we would be nothing.

That comes across in the quality of service we offer.

Check out any of our feedback or case studies and you’ll often see comments like ‘excellent staff’, ‘couldn’t be more helpful’, ‘great service and very nice staff’.

You get the idea.

Global players may have a cast of thousands but the vast majority of them will be looking after the company and not after you.

We work the other way round. We know that without your custom and loyalty, we wouldn’t exist, so we make sure we are always worthy of that custom.

Shopping local

‘Shopping local’ isn’t just about your fruit and veg. It’s relevant to every aspect of our lives.

Shop local for everything from buying your car from a local dealership, using local trades to working with a local (or at least UK-based) service provider.

By doing that you support local jobs, the local economy and the wider national economy. All this can then be fed back into the system to benefit everyone.

Same cost, ability and solutions

One objection we hear quite a lot is ‘Corporation X has thousands of people working for them so should be better than local company Y who only has a few dozen’.

A valid argument on the surface unless you have worked within one of these corporations.

The main intent of those thousands of staff is to protect the corporation at all costs. It’s less about servicing customers and more about servicing the insatiable appetite for growth and for outperforming the competition.

Cloud Heroes doesn’t have a cast of thousands.

What we have is a smaller, more focused, highly skilled team of subject matter experts whose job it is to make sure you can do your job.

We look outwards instead of inwards and everything we do is aimed at delivering a superior service to customers.


Have you ever tried to contact a global provider out of hours during an outage? Or wanted to talk to a real person rather than a web chat bot or IVR message to report a fault?

We have, and nothing makes you feel more like a number or more insignificant than by working with a global player who can’t even be bothered to talk to you.

That’s not how we do things here at Cloud Heroes.

Phones are monitored and answered by real people. Web chat and emails are answered by real people, without the use of canned responses.

We appreciate that anytime you call us, you need us, so we make sure we are always here to help.

We may not have outages like the main players in the industry but that doesn’t mean we rest on our laurels.

We do everything we can to deliver a reliable, dependable service that has all the benefits or working with a global player, with none of the downsides.

Contact Cloud Heroes if you want to do things differently in 2022!

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We enable digital business. Premium hosting and managed cloud solutions, exactly how you need it.