Category : Business Continuity

23Jun 2022
Unified communicationsUnified communications and the importance of speaking the same language

Unified communications and the importance of speaking the same language

One of the most common challenges we see within business is the use of multiple systems, none of which can talk to each other.

It’s a barrier to progress and can definitely impact productivity.

A phone that cannot communicate with mobile, or cannot send emails or SMS provides roadblocks.

A desktop chat application that cannot talk to mobile or send an SMS to a tablet slows you down.

These are challenges unified communications are designed to overcome.

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20May 2022
5 actions small businesses need to take to protect their customers from cyber threats5 actions small businesses need to take to protect their customers from cyber threats

5 actions small businesses need to take to protect their customers from cyber threats

With everyone spending more time and money on the internet, protecting yourself and your customers is essential.

Unfortunately, most small business owners are too busy coping with day to day tasks to spend time learning about cyber security or how threat vectors work.

But there are things every small business can do.

We’ll outline 5 things every small business can do to protect themselves and their customers.

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21Mar 2022
Business continuity planning Cloud Heroes7 point business continuity plan to for small and medium-sized business

7 point business continuity plan to for small and medium-sized business

A business continuity plan is designed to provide the blueprint your business needs to remain productive during a situation.

That situation could be anything from fire to flood and the plan must take into account as many potential situations as possible.

A plan that doesn’t have to cost much or require too much effort but that could genuinely help if the unexpected happens.

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16Feb 2022
Why use Cloud Heroes instead of global players?Why use Cloud Heroes instead of global players?

Why use Cloud Heroes instead of global players?

The new year has seen a rise in the number of enquiries into cloud communication, hosted desktop, VPS servers and cloud backups.

It gives us great confidence that things are on the right track for recovery and that companies are viewing 2022 with more positivity than the last couple of years.

But why choose Cloud Heroes rather than a global provider?

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18Jan 2022
BYOD for small businessesActionable tips for managing BYOD in small businesses

Actionable tips for managing BYOD in small businesses

BYOD, Bring Your Own Device, offers opportunities as well as challenges, especially for smaller businesses.
The rise of SaaS and cloud platforms has made bring your own device scenarios more popular than ever before. Companies can allow employees to access secure SaaS systems using their own devices, saving money and allowing staff to use devices they are comfortable with.

But BYOD also carries risk.

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2Nov 2021
Black Friday and your websiteBlack Friday 2021 and your website – get prepared

Black Friday 2021 and your website – get prepared

The 26th November is just around the corner, so we thought we would put together a few quick hints and tips to get your website ready for Black Friday 2021.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the biggest online shopping events of the year. Those looking to get early Christmas presents or just wanting to get themselves a bargain will be trawling the internet for the best deals.

If you’re taking part then you need to make sure your website is ready for the onslaught!

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