Category : Business Continuity

31Oct 2021
Charity cyber security blogCyber security and charitable/not-for-profit organisations – the lowdown

Cyber security and charitable/not-for-profit organisations – the lowdown

We work with a lot of organisations in the charitable and not-for-profit space so we thought we would put together a quick guide to cyber security for anyone in that industry.

We find its important to understand why and how a breach could occur and then its simpler for organisations to prioritise what they need from a solutions perspective. If you know the reasons why, you can help to prevent a disaster should the worst happen and manage the situation with minimal disruption.

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19Oct 2021
CH blog banners Cyber security monthNational Cyber Security Month – Our Advice for SME’s

National Cyber Security Month – Our Advice for SME’s

Every SME should protect themselves against Cyber Crime, with it being National Cyber Security Month, we’ve put together a quick rundown of areas every SME should be addressing to prevent a breach.

The biggest threat currently are ransomware attackers, this type of cyber criminal effectively holds your data hostage until they get their ransom payment. They will often research organisations first, hacking into accounts data to see how much they can afford or they may just be interested in taking your data.

There are various ways these hackers can infiltrate your systems so here are the top areas every business should tighten up in…

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30Jun 2021
Cloud Heroes Blog Business Continuity and DevicesBusiness continuity and devices – what you need to know

Business continuity and devices – what you need to know

As we all transition back to work, many offices are now operating a hybrid working environment where teams work partly in the office and partly at home. The pandemic has shown us that with the right equipment we can work from anywhere, but how do you stay secure and protect sensitive business data?

If your devices are being used in different locations, the risk of a breach, loss, theft and damage multiply.

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27May 2021
Business continuity and your employeesBusiness continuity and your employees – what you need to know

Business continuity and your employees – what you need to know

As part of your business continuity plan, we’re taking a look at the role your teams play in preventing a disaster, this is a large part of your plan as depending on the size of your business, there’s plenty of margin for error.

Education and training is key here, your teams need to understand every aspect of a potential disaster and how they can prevent it as well as not initiate it! Clicking on a spurious link, switching off the wrong power supply or forgetting to set the alarm are all very real situations that can easily happen.

Here, we cover the most valuable things you can do to get your team on board with keeping the business moving.

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